May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves...May 2008 Repo Thread...Part 11

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I wonder how often we get up for 6 am? Just one at LA? Aruba?? Mexico??

Do you know?

I would be fine if one for 6 am not often


Hopefully not Aruba. It's Dutch. They like us. We don't have to do any Immigration for St Maarten, so presumably none of the Dutch islands.

Not sure about Mexico. Suspect it will just be LA, ie the first time we enter US soil since leaving Port Canaveral.
I spoke with the contact at DCL. Appears my email thought her email was spam :lmao: (doesn't it know that nothing from anything Disney is spam :confused3 )

We are confirmed for the 17th of May at 1030am....

Will, Mickey and Mick's parents
Ian & Sukie
Carol & Doug
Brenda & Scott

Are you all celebrating our wedding anniversary for us? :rotfl:

We couldn't get a brunch reservation that day, we're having to celebrate the next day instead.
It is a pain, and particularly irritating when you read that on other cruises and cruise lines it doesn't happen. Which makes me think that for some reason DCL isn't negotiating with the authorities as successfully as they might.

But the bottom line is, if we want to enter the US then we have to comply with whatever rules US Immigration wish to impose. Might not be such a bad thing if our own Immigration people were as strict. ;)

Yes, the US are very strict but we have to go with it if we wish to visit. At least they are a little more friendly at immigration now and you don't feel as much like a criminal.:sad2:

Yorkshire is God's country. Always has been, always will be. :)

:thumbsup2 Oh yes!!

Hopefully not Aruba. It's Dutch. They like us. We don't have to do any Immigration for St Maarten, so presumably none of the Dutch islands.

Not sure about Mexico. Suspect it will just be LA, ie the first time we enter US soil since leaving Port Canaveral.

I agree, just LA, but that is a pain. Perhaps there won't be too many non US folk so it won't take long.

Think I might change our pick up time at the port to 8am seeing as we are going to be wide awake.:lmao:
We don't match for anything either. When I tell my friends about the parties and special events we planned, they tell me that Disney Cruises would not be for them because of all the special things we have to wear and buy. My friend today said "My husband would never do that". Jon would do whatever would make me happy, I don't understand their logic.

Don't they realise it isn't compulsory? :confused3

We don't dress up for any of the special nights, it just isn't us. But we do enjoy seeing what others are wearing. The Ship of Thieves shirts are the first time we've ever had anything that matches - well, except when we both used to wear the same uniform to work, of course. :rotfl2:

Very true!

Don't know if you guys will have seen this over there, but travel insurance companies in the UK are now saying they won't provide baggage insurance if you travel through Terminal 5 at Heathrow.
Just a quick update on my brother . . .

He was supposed to have a CT scan today, but they pumped him so full of fluids to keep up his BP, that he is too big for the machine. For now the surgeon has decided that wait and see is the best thing to do. Still in ICU, still on a ventilator, but his vital signs seem to continue to improve.

I spent a couple of hours in his room reading tonight.

As someone said, where there is life, there is hope.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Very true!

Don't know if you guys will have seen this over there, but travel insurance companies in the UK are now saying they won't provide baggage insurance if you travel through Terminal 5 at Heathrow.

Travel insurance companies manage to get out of everything!:sad2: On top of that we all pay extra. In fact all insurance companies for that matter!
Yes, the US are very strict but we have to go with it if we wish to visit. At least they are a little more friendly at immigration now and you don't feel as much like a criminal.:sad2:

The most unfriendly ones we've met were on the ship. One accused me of overstaying my visa waiver because he saw I'd entered the US in February and it was now May. He didn't bother to look to see that in between I'd been home and come back!

But at the airports we've often had immigration officers have a chat with us, once we've been cleared by the computer of course. Generally they are the ex-military ones who see that DH once entered the US from Belize and they guess he's ex-military too.
Think I might change our pick up time at the port to 8am seeing as we are going to be wide awake.:lmao:

We're still undecided what to do that morning. We have the DCL transfer booked to LAX, but we can't check in with Virgin and drop our bags until 1330. No left luggage facilities so we're stuck with the bags until then, which severely restricts our movements. :headache:

We have thought about renting a car so we could spend the morning having a drive around Palos Verdes and get lunch somewhere. But with there being no car rental facility at the port we don't know if it would be worth the hassle.
The most unfriendly ones we've met were on the ship. One accused me of overstaying my visa waiver because he saw I'd entered the US in February and it was now May. He didn't bother to look to see that in between I'd been home and come back!

But at the airports we've often had immigration officers have a chat with us, once we've been cleared by the computer of course. Generally they are the ex-military ones who see that DH once entered the US from Belize and they guess he's ex-military too.

I believe the Orlando ones at least have been having training in being more friendly and we have had some great ones.

Once when waiting next in line to go to the officer I must have stepped over THE WHITE LINE!!!:scared1: I was told in no uncertain terms to get back.:sad1:

We're still undecided what to do that morning. We have the DCL transfer booked to LAX, but we can't check in with Virgin and drop our bags until 1330. No left luggage facilities so we're stuck with the bags until then, which severely restricts our movements. :headache:

We have thought about renting a car so we could spend the morning having a drive around Palos Verdes and get lunch somewhere. But with there being no car rental facility at the port we don't know if it would be worth the hassle.

It is a bit of a pain isn't it? If you get off early enough it might be worth the hassle. Perhaps your DH can share a taxi to the nearest car hire place and get back to you at the port.(While you say your goodbyes!:sad1: ) It might not be any more money than the transfer costs to the airport.
Ok, now for some freaky news...for me...

My dd has severe allergies to 2 nuts..needs epi pen just in case. I called the doc last week to get a new presc. as they expire yearly. They escripted it to the pharm. I go to pick it up and they say my health insurance doesn't cover it! Healthnet...what the F***
It's a life threatning allergy and they don't cover anymore....
So I call healthnet, who informs me that they no longer fill at pharm. you have to have the doctor request the prescrip.through the ins. and then they will SEND it to the doc. It could take up to 4 weeks to fill...OMG. I called the doc freaking out and they said they will try to have it for me by next fri. as taylor has an overnight fieldtrip with school. If she doesn't have the epipen they won't let her go!...AND I WORK THERE!...geez
I am going to call the allergist tomorrow and see if they keep samples there? Anyone think I have hope on that?

Nancy just got her new epipen, the pharmacist said that even though the old one was close to the expiry would still be good for a period of time after that (depending of course on how the epipen was treated...out in the sun etc)
It's actually easy. Easier then I thought it would be. Just go to Priceline, select bid or name your price, choose the area you want, I chose the Disneyland area, the star level, choose 3 star, and then the price you are willing to pay. If your bid is accepted then you find out which hotel. You do have to enter your payment method, cause if they accept your bid, your card will be charged. So make sure you will for sure be going. But I can't beat the price. This is only my second time using price line and both times I've gotten the same hotel. And there is a shuttle that picks up right out side too.

I used Priceline for May 4 and 5 and we are at the Holiday Inn. $58
Hi all! Still mad at my computer!

Nan-when you posted, I thought you were highly mad that people would dream of posting what was available and the price and almost asking that people not post....?? Hard to say what is coming across in type.

Well, I have a meeting but I will try and hit the new thread!
I got this email from DCL - to confirm our May 23rd brunch!

Fun. This will be great to look forward to late in the cruise. Thanks to everyone who submitted our requests.:worship:
Do you think it is Travel Agents or others that book rooms in bulk?????
yes...and I think new travelers are still trying to get on our cruise...they say they are still getting lots of calls.
Great pics last night everyone! Thanks for sharing. :goodvibes

John, I just skimmed quickly, any update on Manuel? Hope things are going well for him!

V, how great that they limit sizes to 18....that is wonderful. Taylor has 25 in her class and Jaide has 28 in her 4th grade class.

I know we have had lots of education discussions here...but I am on the verge of pulling the girls to homeschool....our districts in the area are falling apart. They just took away 6th grade camp and are cutting principal positions so 1 principal will go between 2 schools and they are cutting over $100,000 in staff (classified/non teachers) and $200,000 in staff (para's etc). It is just horrible. Our kids are suffering horribly.

Our dog has another seizure this am, they are getting worse She has 1 every 3 months or so and each time they last longer and are more severe. I was in the shower and Jaide came flying in to tell me...she is a big dog so Jaide couldn't hold her during it so there I sat dripping and holding this 75# dog during her seizure. This time she cut herself so she had gotten blood all over the carpet. Of course this was a morning when Scott had an early meeting and was gone and Jaide starts her WASL testing so getting to school late wasn't an option....UGH. All is good now, I am at work, so I can relax and DIS between patients.
school can get frustrating our school board does whatever they want...they had an override vote and people voted against building a new mega HS and they thought about it for like a day and said we'll build it anyways and now they are cutting at all of our schools in our district:eek: so our classrooms are going to get big they laid off over 65 teachers. My kids are kind of in large classes 26 but they are set because they are in an spanish immersion program funded by FED GOVT so they can't touch us its money for them and the school has the top test scores in the state...but with all that I still considered homeschooling earlier this year or maybe private school.....good luck in your descision....when I looked up homeschooling many smart succesful people where homeschooled like Frank Lloyd Wright...and Tim Tebow:thumbsup2
Hope your dog gets better soon:hug:
You've probably got money that doesn't exist now as so many of the European countries have switched to the Euro.

But not us yet, and hopefully never.
I got lots of my Italian, French, and Greek money right before the Euro came out held on to it hoping its worth something someday:rolleyes1

I spoke with the contact at DCL. Appears my email thought her email was spam (doesn't it know that nothing from anything Disney is spam )

We are confirmed for the 17th of May at 1030am....

Will, Mickey and Mick's parents
Ian & Sukie
Carol & Doug
Brenda & Scott
You Rock, Monica:cheer2: Thanks
One of the things I did not put on my list the other day was to find my Disney tickets for the kids and I. We bought 10 day hoppers with 5 plusses on them in 2005 and used them then - I got them out of the safe for our December cruise in 2007 and lost them before going on the cruise (and I cannot find the copy of the back of them - we have moved since then- and hey I had the tickets in the safe right

So we did not have them for December and just purchased a one day ticket to do Epcot which was ok but we are going to be in Disney longer this time and I have been tearing everything apart looking for them. Well today I was looking for something else and I pulled a drawer ALL THE WAY OUT - and sitting right on top in the back was our tickets!!! And I had been in that drawer 2 other times earlier today and never saw them.

So now the budget goes down again as we do not have to buy new tickets beyond our 1 day to get the dining plan!

just had to share - thanks for listening - no one else is very happy for me - they just don't get it!
that is sooooo less thing to have to purchase. Now that its getting closer we are spending more and more and its really adding up:scared:

we're less than a month away, so i know it's late but going to try anyways....:goodvibes

just wanted to see if any DISer has two spots open that they would like to fill with TWO very friendly DISers. we've never been to Palo Brunch or Tea and would like to try it since Mr. Wallet won't allow us to cruise for awhile after this one.

we're going to try and book when we get onboard, but since we're taking the Motorcoach, we won't get there until late so most likely we won't have a decent shot at it. we will probably be on the waitlist, and if histroy repeats itself, then it ain't gonna happen.

appreciate any openings. you can PM me. otherwise, thanks anyways for reading my post! see you onboard!

See previous post for options for Tyler.



Thank you so much...she'll love it:thumbsup2 Thanks for the Tyler one too...I think they'll be lots of Tylers too I know of at least 3 from disers alone.

They are definately great....but not my work - I've been finding them on other threads :)

Just thought they'd be cool if anyone wanted more door signs :goodvibes
thank you:goodvibes


I told Amy I have never been so tired when not doing much. The stress really does wear on you. I also end up being the "point man" when Manuel's students and colleagues have questions, or just want to talk. It's really hard to go to sleep at night too with the phone there dreading a late-night phone call. I'm not complaining though - I feel much better being there as much as I can, and I would rather be doing this than any alternative. My routine is now a visit in the morning before work at 7:00, a visit over lunch and the evening after work. Not doing much for my exercise program.

Amy's boss actually sent her away from work today and to the hospital (it was her first full day back). I thought that was really nice, and put my mind at ease. Of course, I was at work all day.

I had a meeting all afternoon in Cleveland, drove back home and spent a few hours at the hospital. It was actually peaceful tonight though, as I sat and read my book in his room, and made small talk with the nurse about her family.

Going to try and go to bed. Good night everyone.

so cute, if I wasn't apple impaired I'd steal for my Tyler. I have to keep reading to see if you've also posted a tinkerbell Sydney :upsidedow
yes another Tyler:thumbsup2

I think you might have a chance that they will lend you one. You might also call Costco or Sams if you are a member and ask them the cash price for a single. We have had to pay a $50 copay for ours before, if your copay is high, you may not be out that much extra if you get a script and fill it for the cash price.

I have to order more pens this week too. We had a peanut scare two weeks ago with DS and I probably should have given the pen then. We are very lax and I don't carry one all the time, that will change.
that's scary is he only allergic to peanuts or all nuts:confused3 Taysmom-hope you find an one soon

I have to confess that when I first read your post about your weekend, I thought what? The Duchess of York is way older than 33.

LOSER! I'm creeping up on 40 but have the lifestyle age of about 60. I finally realized which Fergie about 5 minutes later.

Sounds like you had a really great weekend, happy late bday!

Ditto...I was thinking the same thing:rolleyes1
It's a life threatning allergy and they don't cover anymore....

Our insurance covers nothing for $6500 per year!

Hoping to move? Why leave our sunny state? California ROCKS...aside from the education system, housing market and cost of living:rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ok, cruise business....Is everyone doing port excursions in anyone doing on their own stuff?

We took a cab/golf cart thingy for a tour in Mazatlan last year and loved it.

Yup! Thats where we had breakfast with Nan, Steph and Marr. The best thing on the menu was the company!!!

So Sweet Bubba. :cutie:

Thought I share a post of me and my sister and friend during my b-day week-end...figure this will be not seen much since we are moving to another thread soon!
. We are enjoying Dom that a friend gave me for Christmas in our room. I can't wait for our champange toasts!

You all look beautiful - good genes!
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